Written: 5/9/14
Mars Fishcare Announcement
Dear Valued Customer
We are pleased to announce that Mars FishCare have now appointed Glenkrag Ltd as their Distribution Partner for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland on all their brands - API, Aquarian & Rena.

The Pet and Aquatics Industry, like every other facet of modern life, is continually changing. Many Manufacturers have been assessing their businesses and have been making long term strategic decisions based on how they see the market evolving. Based upon a strategic rationale of how best to service the Pet and Aquatic Trade Mars FishCare have recently made changes within their Sales Team and their next changes are within their route to market.

From Dec 1st 2014 they will have a total of four distribution partners in for the UK and Ireland. Two of these will focus primarily on the Aquatic outlets in Great Britain, the third partner will focus on Pet outlets in Great Britain. Glenkrag are very pleased to announce that we have been chosen as their fourth Distribution Partner for distributing the Mars FishCare range across the Pet and Aquatic market for NI and ROI.

This is a business decision taken by Mars FishCare to protect and grow their brands across UK and Ireland, whilst offering service, variety and convenience to purchase through their chosen Distribution Partners and we are extremely proud to have been chosen as their route to market for all of Ireland.

In the coming weeks all retailers will receive direct communication from Mars FishCare outlining this announcement.