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Glenkrag Ltd
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The Blog

Welcome to the Glenkrag blog, we aim to keep you as informed as possible with the latest news, views and reviews, of products, website updates and anything else which is relevent to our trade.

Added: 06/09/2021
Six Improvements to the Glenkrag Website
It’s said that progress is impossible without change, which is why in recent months our website has undergone a number of changes which we hope will have brought our website on in leaps and bounds of progress. Most of these changes have been quite subtle but all with the emphasis on improving functionality.

Here is a breakdown of some of the recent changes we’ve made

We’ve changed the relationship between accounts and their documents
Up until we made this change if you posted an order or discrepancy through the website then it would only be seen by you. Most of our customers only have one account for the store and that isn’t a big issue, but some have multiple accounts, maybe one for the person who orders dry goods, one for the person who looks after the fish and another for someone who does the accounts. If the person who ordered dry goods posted an order then the person who looked after the account couldn’t see it, nor could they see the discrepancy posted by the person who looks after the fish side of the business. We realised that wasn’t ideal, so we’ve now tied the orders and discrepancies you can see to the trading account and not to the individual user. Now when you look at previous orders you’ll see all the previous orders that have been placed online for the store and not just the user. This also allows our Reps to go in and place an order on behalf of the account which will also show up in your previous orders online and they can view and post discrepancies too. You may already have seen our reps using their phones or tablets more to place orders on the road. It should be noted that the shopping basket still remains unique to each user, one user cannot add or remove items to another person’s basket.

We’re importing web orders directly into our Sales Processing system
We’ve recently switched to using an automated tool to produce orders and pass them straight into our Sales Processing system. This might not sound like it has huge benefits for you the customer but actually it does. We previously printed web orders out, manually noted down the discounts and then they were typed back into our Sales Processing system. By importing orders directly we have taken out the manual human processes, reducing the risks of wrong discounts being given or input errors on those orders as well as being better for the environment not to be printing a lot of web orders out only to reprint them.

See your nett basket value
It has always been a bugbear of our website that the basket showed trade price and not the nett price after any discounts or deals had been applied, so the price you seen on the screen was in some cases higher than the price you’d actually pay. It wasn’t ideal for anyone who was trying to place an order to meet a budget. We’ve now changed that, as of the 1st of September all the values in the basket will show any discount that will be applied to the line as well as the nett line value and order totals, this will also filter through to any orders you look up in your order history that are placed after 1st of September.

Mobile View on More devices
For some years now our website has had a dynamic presentation to it, where it checks the screen resolution it’s being viewed on and presents the best fit of three options that we call mobile, tablet and desktop view. Since we first set that up screen resolutions on phones and tablets have got higher and higher which led to the dynamic element of the website often presenting the desktop version of the site where the phone or tablet version would be much easier to use. We’ve now altered how the website chooses which version is displayed and it now shows the mobile version when it’s viewed portrait regardless of the screen resolution. We hope this will now present the best possible user experience for using the website on your phone or tablet and if you want to switch back then simply turn the device and view it landscape, or a lot of phone browsers have an option in them to display the desktop site.

Speeding Up Handling Discrepancies
It’s just over 2 years since we added a discrepancy form to the website and in that time more and more customers have switched to reporting their discrepancies through the website rather than by e-mail and by phone, have you? It’s quick and easy to log a discrepancy on the website and it gives you a log of what you have reported while at our end it makes it easier to have a digital trail to resolve any issues rather than a paper trail which can sometimes go missing. To try and improve efficiencies when resolving discrepancies we’ve now split it into two forms, one for dry goods and one for live goods, or in most cases goods that should have been live. By dividing discrepancies they can now be delivered directly to the correct department to start investigating them and it makes it a much cleaner process to resolve each discrepancy by the department it relates to rather than have a discrepancy which needs passed through two departments to get a resolution.

We’ve blocked ordering discontinued lines
We’ve always altered the descriptions on the website to show when an item had been discontinued, and customers continued to order them and then they get out of stocked when an alternative item may have been available. We didn’t want to instantly remove items that have been discontinued from the website because they makes you think you’ve gone mad that the item was there last week and gone now, so we have taken away the order box on lines that are discontinued. This means they can no longer be ordered and it allows you the opportunity to look for an alternative product so you have something to put on your shelves.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 04/08/2021
Happy Retirement Ewan
Today we gathered outside to have a presentation for Ewan Cahoon ahead of his retirement on Friday.
Ewan was one of Glenkrag`s first employees having joined the company in November 1982 as a driver before going into sales and becoming the warehouse manager in 1996, the role which he will retire from this week.
Everyone at Glenkrag would like to wish Ewan a Happy Retirement

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 22/02/21
Our Christmas PreSell is Now On
It's that time of year again, the shops are full of Easter Eggs and we've our Christmas PreSell on.

Our 2021 Christmas Pre Sell is now online and available to download from the Pre-Sells page of our website.

This year we have also made the Christmas lines available to order online so it's even easier to place your order.

This year's Christmas PreSell includes Kong and Armitages lines with the Kong PreSell ending on the Wednesday 10th of March and the Armitages PreSell ending on Friday 26th of March, but why not order today for peace of mind that it's done?

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 24/08/2020
Glenkrag Ltd - Promotion Announcement
Glenkrag Ltd are pleased to announce the promotion of Mr Mark Hutchinson to General Manager. Mark joined the company in 1988 and has worked within General Sales, Key Account development, Purchasing and Management roles. Mark's background in retail and wholesale business gives him an overall understanding of how to push forward new ideas and initiatives continuing to improve the company to reach new heights. Mark will be assisted with the senior management support from Mr Martin Smyth, Mr Chris Lindsay and now Mr Gary McMahon.

On that note, Glenkrag Ltd are pleased to continue this exciting announcement with the promotion of Mr Gary McMahon into the position of Sales & Group Account Manager. Gary joined our Telephone Sales team in 1995 and has advanced through various roles in the sales team. Gary has enthusiasm and energy in abundance and we've no doubt he will bring many new ideas to fruition in the coming months and years.

Mr Jack McCready will continue in his role of Managing Director whilst sharing his immense knowledge and experience in a pivotal sector within our industry and one that's had a growth surge... and the reason for Glenkrag's humble beginnings in 1980 - Tropical and Coldwater Fish.

Starting as a two-man business in a home garage over 40 years ago to now one of the largest private employers in the area, Glenkrag are proud to have a team of eighty dedicated colleagues cementing our position as market leading wholesaler.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 01/07/2019
New Website Feature - Discrepancies
Got a Problem?
If you have then we have good news, we have now made it even easier to report an order discrepancy.

We`ve added a new section to make it easier for our customers to report discrepancies online. The new section can be found on the menu under "discrepancies" where you can find a form to report discrepancies and a history of any of the discrepancies you have already reported. When the form is submitted we will get a notification and you`re discrepancy will be passed into our discrepancy flow where it will be split up as required and passed to the relevant departments to seek a resolution in the same way phoning it in or reporting it to a rep would be.

Please give as much detail as possible to help us resolve any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Please note, all discrepancies submitted are subject to the timelines and terms set out in our terms of trade.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 29/5/2018
Unipet is Coming to Glenkrag
We are pleased to have agreed distribution for Unipet Intl. and look forward to receiving our first massive order in the coming weeks.

Wild Bird Foods and feeders is one of our fastest growing categories, their Suet Wild Bird Foods are high in energy, less mess and great value for money.

Unipet is Europes largest manufacturer for wild bird suet Suet to Go is its own brand We will be launching 20+ sku`s - from a hang and feed range to bulk items Glenkrag hope that this addition to their portfolio and that of its retailers will continue to ensure the wild bird food category continue to grow in sales Feeding suet products to your garden birds provides them with essential high-energy proteins.

The Range includes-
Suet Blocks
Suet Blocks will attract similar species to Suet Balls, but because of the nature of the cage they go in it is relatively easy for ground feeding species such as robins and even blackbirds to stand on top of the cage to feed (hanging the cage next to a branch will also help them).

Suet Pellets
These are loved by ground feeders such as the blackbird, song thrush and robin. They`re best fed on a bird table, ground feeder or in a mesh peanut or suet pellet feeder. At Vine House Farm we have four types of Suet Pellet: Insect, Berry, Fruit and Mealworm

Beware of cheap fat balls
If the product is very cheap, then chances are that there`s relatively little suet in the ball and fillers such as wheat flour are used to keep the cost down, this has no benefit for the wild birds.
With Suet Balls you can be assured of a high suet content at all times, thus giving the birds more benefit with no waste.

Pictured Below: Mr Jack McCready (Glenkrag M.D.) and Mr Andrew Ball (Unipet Intl MD)

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 17/4/18
Our Christmas Pre-Sell is Now On
It seems that Christmas Pre-Sells get earlier and earlier every year, and indeed this year they have. So early in fact it was even still snowing when these were being produced in the office which added to the festive feel.

Our 2018 Christmas Pre Sell is now online and available to download from the Pre-Sells page of our website.

Following on from last year`s success we`ve included lines from Forthglade, Kong, Ancol, Laughing Dog along with the entire Armitage Festive offering.

This year`s Christmas Pre-Sell is available to order up until the 25th of May and will be delivered to stores from week commencing 22nd of October

Visit the PreSells Page
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 27/03/2018
Have You Joined Our Fish WhatsApp Group Yet?
In recent months John McCready has been busy creating new initiatives to promote our fish and give our customers the best possible service. With that in mind John has created a WhatsApp group for our fish customers so we can share new arrivals, videos, photos and exclusive special offers of our fish. It’s a great way for us to showcase the fish we have in the tanks at the minute as well as being great way for our customers to see what the fish are like in the tanks, giving customers and opportunity to see fish that they otherwise may not have thought about or considered bringing in and also letting them see the health and general aura of the fish.

If you haven’t yet joined the WhatsApp group and you want to, you can by asking John to add you by e-mailing or messaging 0(044) 7287923596 letting him know your name and store you are from.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/28/d429691559/htdocs/glenkrag/2017/includes/inc_footerdesktab.php on line 10
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© Glenkrag Ltd 2025
Unit 7e Kilroot Business Park | Larne Road
Carrickfergus| Co. Antrim | Northern Ireland
Tel: 0(044)2893 351 491 | Fax: 0(044) 2893 351920
24/7 CCTV is used on our premises for the safety of our staff and customers and crime prevention
Glenkrag Ltd
Like Us On Facebook Follow Us On Twitter Check Out Our YouTube Channel

Click Here to Login/ Signup

Added: 06/09/2021
Six Improvements to the Glenkrag Website
It’s said that progress is impossible without change, which is why in recent months our website has undergone a number of changes which we hope will have brought our website on in leaps and bounds of progress. Most of these changes have been quite subtle but all with the emphasis on improving functionality.

Here is a breakdown of some of the recent changes we’ve made

We’ve changed the relationship between accounts and their documents
Up until we made this change if you posted an order or discrepancy through the website then it would only be seen by you. Most of our customers only have one account for the store and that isn’t a big issue, but some have multiple accounts, maybe one for the person who orders dry goods, one for the person who looks after the fish and another for someone who does the accounts. If the person who ordered dry goods posted an order then the person who looked after the account couldn’t see it, nor could they see the discrepancy posted by the person who looks after the fish side of the business. We realised that wasn’t ideal, so we’ve now tied the orders and discrepancies you can see to the trading account and not to the individual user. Now when you look at previous orders you’ll see all the previous orders that have been placed online for the store and not just the user. This also allows our Reps to go in and place an order on behalf of the account which will also show up in your previous orders online and they can view and post discrepancies too. You may already have seen our reps using their phones or tablets more to place orders on the road. It should be noted that the shopping basket still remains unique to each user, one user cannot add or remove items to another person’s basket.

We’re importing web orders directly into our Sales Processing system
We’ve recently switched to using an automated tool to produce orders and pass them straight into our Sales Processing system. This might not sound like it has huge benefits for you the customer but actually it does. We previously printed web orders out, manually noted down the discounts and then they were typed back into our Sales Processing system. By importing orders directly we have taken out the manual human processes, reducing the risks of wrong discounts being given or input errors on those orders as well as being better for the environment not to be printing a lot of web orders out only to reprint them.

See your nett basket value
It has always been a bugbear of our website that the basket showed trade price and not the nett price after any discounts or deals had been applied, so the price you seen on the screen was in some cases higher than the price you’d actually pay. It wasn’t ideal for anyone who was trying to place an order to meet a budget. We’ve now changed that, as of the 1st of September all the values in the basket will show any discount that will be applied to the line as well as the nett line value and order totals, this will also filter through to any orders you look up in your order history that are placed after 1st of September.

Mobile View on More devices
For some years now our website has had a dynamic presentation to it, where it checks the screen resolution it’s being viewed on and presents the best fit of three options that we call mobile, tablet and desktop view. Since we first set that up screen resolutions on phones and tablets have got higher and higher which led to the dynamic element of the website often presenting the desktop version of the site where the phone or tablet version would be much easier to use. We’ve now altered how the website chooses which version is displayed and it now shows the mobile version when it’s viewed portrait regardless of the screen resolution. We hope this will now present the best possible user experience for using the website on your phone or tablet and if you want to switch back then simply turn the device and view it landscape, or a lot of phone browsers have an option in them to display the desktop site.

Speeding Up Handling Discrepancies
It’s just over 2 years since we added a discrepancy form to the website and in that time more and more customers have switched to reporting their discrepancies through the website rather than by e-mail and by phone, have you? It’s quick and easy to log a discrepancy on the website and it gives you a log of what you have reported while at our end it makes it easier to have a digital trail to resolve any issues rather than a paper trail which can sometimes go missing. To try and improve efficiencies when resolving discrepancies we’ve now split it into two forms, one for dry goods and one for live goods, or in most cases goods that should have been live. By dividing discrepancies they can now be delivered directly to the correct department to start investigating them and it makes it a much cleaner process to resolve each discrepancy by the department it relates to rather than have a discrepancy which needs passed through two departments to get a resolution.

We’ve blocked ordering discontinued lines
We’ve always altered the descriptions on the website to show when an item had been discontinued, and customers continued to order them and then they get out of stocked when an alternative item may have been available. We didn’t want to instantly remove items that have been discontinued from the website because they makes you think you’ve gone mad that the item was there last week and gone now, so we have taken away the order box on lines that are discontinued. This means they can no longer be ordered and it allows you the opportunity to look for an alternative product so you have something to put on your shelves.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 04/08/2021
Happy Retirement Ewan
Today we gathered outside to have a presentation for Ewan Cahoon ahead of his retirement on Friday.
Ewan was one of Glenkrag`s first employees having joined the company in November 1982 as a driver before going into sales and becoming the warehouse manager in 1996, the role which he will retire from this week.
Everyone at Glenkrag would like to wish Ewan a Happy Retirement

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 22/02/21
Our Christmas PreSell is Now On
It's that time of year again, the shops are full of Easter Eggs and we've our Christmas PreSell on.

Our 2021 Christmas Pre Sell is now online and available to download from the Pre-Sells page of our website.

This year we have also made the Christmas lines available to order online so it's even easier to place your order.

This year's Christmas PreSell includes Kong and Armitages lines with the Kong PreSell ending on the Wednesday 10th of March and the Armitages PreSell ending on Friday 26th of March, but why not order today for peace of mind that it's done?

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 24/08/2020
Glenkrag Ltd - Promotion Announcement
Glenkrag Ltd are pleased to announce the promotion of Mr Mark Hutchinson to General Manager. Mark joined the company in 1988 and has worked within General Sales, Key Account development, Purchasing and Management roles. Mark's background in retail and wholesale business gives him an overall understanding of how to push forward new ideas and initiatives continuing to improve the company to reach new heights. Mark will be assisted with the senior management support from Mr Martin Smyth, Mr Chris Lindsay and now Mr Gary McMahon.

On that note, Glenkrag Ltd are pleased to continue this exciting announcement with the promotion of Mr Gary McMahon into the position of Sales & Group Account Manager. Gary joined our Telephone Sales team in 1995 and has advanced through various roles in the sales team. Gary has enthusiasm and energy in abundance and we've no doubt he will bring many new ideas to fruition in the coming months and years.

Mr Jack McCready will continue in his role of Managing Director whilst sharing his immense knowledge and experience in a pivotal sector within our industry and one that's had a growth surge... and the reason for Glenkrag's humble beginnings in 1980 - Tropical and Coldwater Fish.

Starting as a two-man business in a home garage over 40 years ago to now one of the largest private employers in the area, Glenkrag are proud to have a team of eighty dedicated colleagues cementing our position as market leading wholesaler.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 01/07/2019
New Website Feature - Discrepancies
Got a Problem?
If you have then we have good news, we have now made it even easier to report an order discrepancy.

We`ve added a new section to make it easier for our customers to report discrepancies online. The new section can be found on the menu under "discrepancies" where you can find a form to report discrepancies and a history of any of the discrepancies you have already reported. When the form is submitted we will get a notification and you`re discrepancy will be passed into our discrepancy flow where it will be split up as required and passed to the relevant departments to seek a resolution in the same way phoning it in or reporting it to a rep would be.

Please give as much detail as possible to help us resolve any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Please note, all discrepancies submitted are subject to the timelines and terms set out in our terms of trade.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 29/5/2018
Unipet is Coming to Glenkrag
We are pleased to have agreed distribution for Unipet Intl. and look forward to receiving our first massive order in the coming weeks.

Wild Bird Foods and feeders is one of our fastest growing categories, their Suet Wild Bird Foods are high in energy, less mess and great value for money.

Unipet is Europes largest manufacturer for wild bird suet Suet to Go is its own brand We will be launching 20+ sku`s - from a hang and feed range to bulk items Glenkrag hope that this addition to their portfolio and that of its retailers will continue to ensure the wild bird food category continue to grow in sales Feeding suet products to your garden birds provides them with essential high-energy proteins.

The Range includes-
Suet Blocks
Suet Blocks will attract similar species to Suet Balls, but because of the nature of the cage they go in it is relatively easy for ground feeding species such as robins and even blackbirds to stand on top of the cage to feed (hanging the cage next to a branch will also help them).

Suet Pellets
These are loved by ground feeders such as the blackbird, song thrush and robin. They`re best fed on a bird table, ground feeder or in a mesh peanut or suet pellet feeder. At Vine House Farm we have four types of Suet Pellet: Insect, Berry, Fruit and Mealworm

Beware of cheap fat balls
If the product is very cheap, then chances are that there`s relatively little suet in the ball and fillers such as wheat flour are used to keep the cost down, this has no benefit for the wild birds.
With Suet Balls you can be assured of a high suet content at all times, thus giving the birds more benefit with no waste.

Pictured Below: Mr Jack McCready (Glenkrag M.D.) and Mr Andrew Ball (Unipet Intl MD)

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 17/4/18
Our Christmas Pre-Sell is Now On
It seems that Christmas Pre-Sells get earlier and earlier every year, and indeed this year they have. So early in fact it was even still snowing when these were being produced in the office which added to the festive feel.

Our 2018 Christmas Pre Sell is now online and available to download from the Pre-Sells page of our website.

Following on from last year`s success we`ve included lines from Forthglade, Kong, Ancol, Laughing Dog along with the entire Armitage Festive offering.

This year`s Christmas Pre-Sell is available to order up until the 25th of May and will be delivered to stores from week commencing 22nd of October

Visit the PreSells Page
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 27/03/2018
Have You Joined Our Fish WhatsApp Group Yet?
In recent months John McCready has been busy creating new initiatives to promote our fish and give our customers the best possible service. With that in mind John has created a WhatsApp group for our fish customers so we can share new arrivals, videos, photos and exclusive special offers of our fish. It’s a great way for us to showcase the fish we have in the tanks at the minute as well as being great way for our customers to see what the fish are like in the tanks, giving customers and opportunity to see fish that they otherwise may not have thought about or considered bringing in and also letting them see the health and general aura of the fish.

If you haven’t yet joined the WhatsApp group and you want to, you can by asking John to add you by e-mailing or messaging 0(044) 7287923596 letting him know your name and store you are from.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Newist Posts Newer Posts Older Posts Oldest Posts

Warning: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/28/d429691559/htdocs/glenkrag/2017/includes/inc_footerdesktab.php on line 10
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© Glenkrag Ltd 2025
Unit 7e Kilroot Business Park | Larne Road
Carrickfergus| Co. Antrim | Northern Ireland
Tel: 0(044)2893 351 491 | Fax: 0(044) 2893 351920
24/7 CCTV is used on our premises for the safety of our staff and customers and crime prevention

The Blog

Welcome to the Glenkrag blog, we aim to keep you as informed as possible with the latest news, views and reviews, of products, website updates and anything else which is relevent to our trade.

Added: 06/09/2021
Six Improvements to the Glenkrag Website
It’s said that progress is impossible without change, which is why in recent months our website has undergone a number of changes which we hope will have brought our website on in leaps and bounds of progress. Most of these changes have been quite subtle but all with the emphasis on improving functionality.

Here is a breakdown of some of the recent changes we’ve made

We’ve changed the relationship between accounts and their documents
Up until we made this change if you posted an order or discrepancy through the website then it would only be seen by you. Most of our customers only have one account for the store and that isn’t a big issue, but some have multiple accounts, maybe one for the person who orders dry goods, one for the person who looks after the fish and another for someone who does the accounts. If the person who ordered dry goods posted an order then the person who looked after the account couldn’t see it, nor could they see the discrepancy posted by the person who looks after the fish side of the business. We realised that wasn’t ideal, so we’ve now tied the orders and discrepancies you can see to the trading account and not to the individual user. Now when you look at previous orders you’ll see all the previous orders that have been placed online for the store and not just the user. This also allows our Reps to go in and place an order on behalf of the account which will also show up in your previous orders online and they can view and post discrepancies too. You may already have seen our reps using their phones or tablets more to place orders on the road. It should be noted that the shopping basket still remains unique to each user, one user cannot add or remove items to another person’s basket.

We’re importing web orders directly into our Sales Processing system
We’ve recently switched to using an automated tool to produce orders and pass them straight into our Sales Processing system. This might not sound like it has huge benefits for you the customer but actually it does. We previously printed web orders out, manually noted down the discounts and then they were typed back into our Sales Processing system. By importing orders directly we have taken out the manual human processes, reducing the risks of wrong discounts being given or input errors on those orders as well as being better for the environment not to be printing a lot of web orders out only to reprint them.

See your nett basket value
It has always been a bugbear of our website that the basket showed trade price and not the nett price after any discounts or deals had been applied, so the price you seen on the screen was in some cases higher than the price you’d actually pay. It wasn’t ideal for anyone who was trying to place an order to meet a budget. We’ve now changed that, as of the 1st of September all the values in the basket will show any discount that will be applied to the line as well as the nett line value and order totals, this will also filter through to any orders you look up in your order history that are placed after 1st of September.

Mobile View on More devices
For some years now our website has had a dynamic presentation to it, where it checks the screen resolution it’s being viewed on and presents the best fit of three options that we call mobile, tablet and desktop view. Since we first set that up screen resolutions on phones and tablets have got higher and higher which led to the dynamic element of the website often presenting the desktop version of the site where the phone or tablet version would be much easier to use. We’ve now altered how the website chooses which version is displayed and it now shows the mobile version when it’s viewed portrait regardless of the screen resolution. We hope this will now present the best possible user experience for using the website on your phone or tablet and if you want to switch back then simply turn the device and view it landscape, or a lot of phone browsers have an option in them to display the desktop site.

Speeding Up Handling Discrepancies
It’s just over 2 years since we added a discrepancy form to the website and in that time more and more customers have switched to reporting their discrepancies through the website rather than by e-mail and by phone, have you? It’s quick and easy to log a discrepancy on the website and it gives you a log of what you have reported while at our end it makes it easier to have a digital trail to resolve any issues rather than a paper trail which can sometimes go missing. To try and improve efficiencies when resolving discrepancies we’ve now split it into two forms, one for dry goods and one for live goods, or in most cases goods that should have been live. By dividing discrepancies they can now be delivered directly to the correct department to start investigating them and it makes it a much cleaner process to resolve each discrepancy by the department it relates to rather than have a discrepancy which needs passed through two departments to get a resolution.

We’ve blocked ordering discontinued lines
We’ve always altered the descriptions on the website to show when an item had been discontinued, and customers continued to order them and then they get out of stocked when an alternative item may have been available. We didn’t want to instantly remove items that have been discontinued from the website because they makes you think you’ve gone mad that the item was there last week and gone now, so we have taken away the order box on lines that are discontinued. This means they can no longer be ordered and it allows you the opportunity to look for an alternative product so you have something to put on your shelves.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 04/08/2021
Happy Retirement Ewan
Today we gathered outside to have a presentation for Ewan Cahoon ahead of his retirement on Friday.
Ewan was one of Glenkrag`s first employees having joined the company in November 1982 as a driver before going into sales and becoming the warehouse manager in 1996, the role which he will retire from this week.
Everyone at Glenkrag would like to wish Ewan a Happy Retirement

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 22/02/21
Our Christmas PreSell is Now On
It's that time of year again, the shops are full of Easter Eggs and we've our Christmas PreSell on.

Our 2021 Christmas Pre Sell is now online and available to download from the Pre-Sells page of our website.

This year we have also made the Christmas lines available to order online so it's even easier to place your order.

This year's Christmas PreSell includes Kong and Armitages lines with the Kong PreSell ending on the Wednesday 10th of March and the Armitages PreSell ending on Friday 26th of March, but why not order today for peace of mind that it's done?

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 24/08/2020
Glenkrag Ltd - Promotion Announcement
Glenkrag Ltd are pleased to announce the promotion of Mr Mark Hutchinson to General Manager. Mark joined the company in 1988 and has worked within General Sales, Key Account development, Purchasing and Management roles. Mark's background in retail and wholesale business gives him an overall understanding of how to push forward new ideas and initiatives continuing to improve the company to reach new heights. Mark will be assisted with the senior management support from Mr Martin Smyth, Mr Chris Lindsay and now Mr Gary McMahon.

On that note, Glenkrag Ltd are pleased to continue this exciting announcement with the promotion of Mr Gary McMahon into the position of Sales & Group Account Manager. Gary joined our Telephone Sales team in 1995 and has advanced through various roles in the sales team. Gary has enthusiasm and energy in abundance and we've no doubt he will bring many new ideas to fruition in the coming months and years.

Mr Jack McCready will continue in his role of Managing Director whilst sharing his immense knowledge and experience in a pivotal sector within our industry and one that's had a growth surge... and the reason for Glenkrag's humble beginnings in 1980 - Tropical and Coldwater Fish.

Starting as a two-man business in a home garage over 40 years ago to now one of the largest private employers in the area, Glenkrag are proud to have a team of eighty dedicated colleagues cementing our position as market leading wholesaler.

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Added: 01/07/2019
New Website Feature - Discrepancies
Got a Problem?
If you have then we have good news, we have now made it even easier to report an order discrepancy.

We`ve added a new section to make it easier for our customers to report discrepancies online. The new section can be found on the menu under "discrepancies" where you can find a form to report discrepancies and a history of any of the discrepancies you have already reported. When the form is submitted we will get a notification and you`re discrepancy will be passed into our discrepancy flow where it will be split up as required and passed to the relevant departments to seek a resolution in the same way phoning it in or reporting it to a rep would be.

Please give as much detail as possible to help us resolve any issues as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Please note, all discrepancies submitted are subject to the timelines and terms set out in our terms of trade.

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Added: 29/5/2018
Unipet is Coming to Glenkrag
We are pleased to have agreed distribution for Unipet Intl. and look forward to receiving our first massive order in the coming weeks.

Wild Bird Foods and feeders is one of our fastest growing categories, their Suet Wild Bird Foods are high in energy, less mess and great value for money.

Unipet is Europes largest manufacturer for wild bird suet Suet to Go is its own brand We will be launching 20+ sku`s - from a hang and feed range to bulk items Glenkrag hope that this addition to their portfolio and that of its retailers will continue to ensure the wild bird food category continue to grow in sales Feeding suet products to your garden birds provides them with essential high-energy proteins.

The Range includes-
Suet Blocks
Suet Blocks will attract similar species to Suet Balls, but because of the nature of the cage they go in it is relatively easy for ground feeding species such as robins and even blackbirds to stand on top of the cage to feed (hanging the cage next to a branch will also help them).

Suet Pellets
These are loved by ground feeders such as the blackbird, song thrush and robin. They`re best fed on a bird table, ground feeder or in a mesh peanut or suet pellet feeder. At Vine House Farm we have four types of Suet Pellet: Insect, Berry, Fruit and Mealworm

Beware of cheap fat balls
If the product is very cheap, then chances are that there`s relatively little suet in the ball and fillers such as wheat flour are used to keep the cost down, this has no benefit for the wild birds.
With Suet Balls you can be assured of a high suet content at all times, thus giving the birds more benefit with no waste.

Pictured Below: Mr Jack McCready (Glenkrag M.D.) and Mr Andrew Ball (Unipet Intl MD)

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Added: 17/4/18
Our Christmas Pre-Sell is Now On
It seems that Christmas Pre-Sells get earlier and earlier every year, and indeed this year they have. So early in fact it was even still snowing when these were being produced in the office which added to the festive feel.

Our 2018 Christmas Pre Sell is now online and available to download from the Pre-Sells page of our website.

Following on from last year`s success we`ve included lines from Forthglade, Kong, Ancol, Laughing Dog along with the entire Armitage Festive offering.

This year`s Christmas Pre-Sell is available to order up until the 25th of May and will be delivered to stores from week commencing 22nd of October

Visit the PreSells Page
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Added: 27/03/2018
Have You Joined Our Fish WhatsApp Group Yet?
In recent months John McCready has been busy creating new initiatives to promote our fish and give our customers the best possible service. With that in mind John has created a WhatsApp group for our fish customers so we can share new arrivals, videos, photos and exclusive special offers of our fish. It’s a great way for us to showcase the fish we have in the tanks at the minute as well as being great way for our customers to see what the fish are like in the tanks, giving customers and opportunity to see fish that they otherwise may not have thought about or considered bringing in and also letting them see the health and general aura of the fish.

If you haven’t yet joined the WhatsApp group and you want to, you can by asking John to add you by e-mailing or messaging 0(044) 7287923596 letting him know your name and store you are from.

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© Glenkrag Ltd 2025
Unit 7e Kilroot Business Park | Larne Road
Carrickfergus| Co. Antrim | Northern Ireland
Tel: 0(044)2893 351 491 | Fax: 0(044) 2893 351920
24/7 CCTV is used on our premises for the safety of our staff and customers and crime prevention