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Glenkrag Ltd
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The Blog

Welcome to the Glenkrag blog, we aim to keep you as informed as possible with the latest news, views and reviews, of products, website updates and anything else which is relevent to our trade.

Added: 02/09/2024
Website Statement
At the start of August, we went live with a new website which integrated into our ERP. It was to have many new features included within it, that we felt would continue to improve our web experience for our customers while having closer ties to our ERP system make order importing and customer contact management easier tasks.

However, as an off the shelf solution with a few customisations added in, it eventually became a burden and lost some of the flexibility that was expected, and which would have better suited our business processes and the trade in general.

Now, 4 weeks in, we feel the website has flattered to deceive, with some of the issues we’re experiencing don’t have quick and easy fixes available to us as the customer, from the reseller of the site. This is especially disappointing for us, and we had far greater flexibility and access to tailor our previous site to the ease of our customers to deliver a premium service.

As with any big development you sometimes need to stop and take stock of where you are against where you want to be without prejudice of the time and financial investment – and as I like to put it, on this occasion we have to accept that a square peg just doesn’t fit in a round hole.

Therefore, after much deliberation, we have made the decision to revert back to our old website with immediate effect, as not only does it offer the more reliable platform for online trading, but we also now believe that coupled with our new ERP, it will over time be the superior platform to bring enhancements and new features to our web presence.

At the time of writing we have already re-activated the old website on and , we will leave the “new(P21) website” available at until the end of the week to allow users to finish off any orders they have started and then we will redirect it too to our old website.

We’d like to advise customers that your old username and password will work on the old website and not your e-mail address and password that was provided by the newer site, if in doubt then a new password can be requested from the login screen and the “reset password” link below the login boxes, this requires your registered e-mail address and the e-mail will include your login name as well as your password.

If you don’t receive an e-mail, then please either contact and we will investigate or contact our Accounts Services or Sales teams and we will look into it and get details updated or new details sent out.

We’d like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused, and we are grateful for your feedback on the services we provide – and we learnt the lesson that sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.

Brian Lammey – IT Manager

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 24/07/2024
New Website Coming 6th August
On Tuesday 6th of August we will be launching our new website which features integration with our ERP system.

In order to make the transition as smooth as possible we will run both our new site and our old site simultaneously, and each site will feature a prominent link to the other site on the home page. We anticipate that the two sites will remain online for the first week which will give us time to get users enrolled on the new site while it also gives our customers time to finish up any orders they have started on the old site.

In order to smooth the transition we would ask that our customers check that their e-mail address is up to date on the website, we have added a link to the homepage to do this, it takes 30 seconds to do ensuring when we set your account up on the website it goes to an active e-mail address and gets your moved over as seamlessly as possible.

Check Your E-mail Address
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 28/01/2024
Website Downtime - This Wednesday 2-4pm
We might be starting to sound like a broken record, but we would rather that than have customers lose their basket or miss their order deadline because they did not know.

On Wednesday afternoon our website will be down from 2pm to approx 4pm, this is to facilitate a change of ERP and item structure, anything in your basket at this time will be lost.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 25/01/2024
New ERP - Next Wednesday/ Thursday
In just one week’s time we’ll be going live with our new ERP system, Epicor Prophet 21.

While we will be doing everything we can to minimize the disruption to service, it’s inevitable there will be some. “You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs”, as the saying goes.

The key customer information is as follows
- For orders that get delivered on Thursday 1st of Feb we will be putting in place a cut off time of 2pm, we will not be able to accept any orders or additions after that time.
- As part of the switch of ERP we have to restructure our website, at 2pm our existing website will be shut down for approx. 2 hours. Unfortunately it will not be possible to carry over basket/ cart contents, so anything in your basket or cart needs placed before 2pm or it will be lost.
- When our reworked website comes back online you can place orders again and they’ll be in our new pack sizes and codes (see previous blog post for details of changes). It will be the same domains, same bookmarks, same login details as you have now, and looks and functions largely the same as it is in it’s current state.
- We will switch over systems on Wednesday night and await the rubber stamp of approval on Thursday morning before we can start processing any further orders, this will put us on the back foot a little with our order processing and picking, but we fully expect to have no disruption to Friday deliveries, although we would encourage customers who have the option to order earlier in the week to consider stocking up a bit more on their delivery earlier in the week just incase.
- There will be subtle changes to the stationary and documents that the orders go out on, which we will document and send in accompanying letters to explain.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 12/01/2024
Mid January Update on Our New ERP & Important Customer Info
You may have seen Gary’s video this week on our Facebook page or YouTube Channel in which he announced that our new ERP will be going live on Thursday 1st of February, and as part of that we would be making changes to some codes and pack sizes.

From the links below you can download a letter with our latest news and explanation of some of the things you can expect to see as well as details of some downtime we’ll need to have on our website. Also attached is a spreadsheet detailing the lines that we will be making changes to and a further PDF explaining those changes. As Gary said in this video, some of these changes may effect you, some of them won’t, but it’s worth looking over them to see.

We will continue to keep you as informed as we work through this transition.

Download - New ERP Announcement 2
Download - Items that will have changes from 1st of Feb 2024 - In Excel
Download - Item Changes Explained

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 12/01/2024
Gary Announces Further Details of Our New ERP
You know it must be big news to get Gary on front of a camera, and indeed it is. Check out Gary talking about our new ERP with a cheeky plug for our new Christmas PreSell.
View Video on Youtube
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 23/12/2023
Our New ERP is Just Around The Corner - Announcement 1
Early in 2024 we will be switching to a new ERP system, check out the Announcement Letter at the link below for further details
Click Here to View Announcement 1
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 16/09/2021
Now Accepting Digital Payments with Secure Payment Links
PayLink makes it easy for Glenkrag to start accepting payments online with our simple and secure pay-by-link solution. With Paylink, you can pay for your invoices faster while reducing your risk, with 3D Secure payments.

Easier digital payment acceptance has arrived.
- Share payment links: Glenkrag will send customisable PayLinks directly to our customers through any of your existing digital channels including email, SMS, WhatsApp, social media, AirDrop and messaging platforms. Or use our inbuilt SMS, email or Whatsapp sharing functionality.
- Secure transactions: You’re the customer pay with your preferred digital payment method and we receive payments via our secure payment page. Enjoy the peace of mind that Strong Customer Authentication is fully supported on all PayLink transactions.
- Collect payments and create loyalty with customers: Easily set up recurring, stored card and one-click payments to make it simple to do business with you. We can Issue refunds, reminders and manage payment links end-to-end with the touch of a button.
- For further details: Speak with our Accounts team to set you up for PayLink

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/28/d429691559/htdocs/glenkrag/2017/includes/inc_footerdesktab.php on line 10
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> Opportunities
> Contact Us
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© Glenkrag Ltd 2025
Unit 7e Kilroot Business Park | Larne Road
Carrickfergus| Co. Antrim | Northern Ireland
Tel: 0(044)2893 351 491 | Fax: 0(044) 2893 351920
24/7 CCTV is used on our premises for the safety of our staff and customers and crime prevention
Glenkrag Ltd
Like Us On Facebook Follow Us On Twitter Check Out Our YouTube Channel

Click Here to Login/ Signup

Added: 02/09/2024
Website Statement
At the start of August, we went live with a new website which integrated into our ERP. It was to have many new features included within it, that we felt would continue to improve our web experience for our customers while having closer ties to our ERP system make order importing and customer contact management easier tasks.

However, as an off the shelf solution with a few customisations added in, it eventually became a burden and lost some of the flexibility that was expected, and which would have better suited our business processes and the trade in general.

Now, 4 weeks in, we feel the website has flattered to deceive, with some of the issues we’re experiencing don’t have quick and easy fixes available to us as the customer, from the reseller of the site. This is especially disappointing for us, and we had far greater flexibility and access to tailor our previous site to the ease of our customers to deliver a premium service.

As with any big development you sometimes need to stop and take stock of where you are against where you want to be without prejudice of the time and financial investment – and as I like to put it, on this occasion we have to accept that a square peg just doesn’t fit in a round hole.

Therefore, after much deliberation, we have made the decision to revert back to our old website with immediate effect, as not only does it offer the more reliable platform for online trading, but we also now believe that coupled with our new ERP, it will over time be the superior platform to bring enhancements and new features to our web presence.

At the time of writing we have already re-activated the old website on and , we will leave the “new(P21) website” available at until the end of the week to allow users to finish off any orders they have started and then we will redirect it too to our old website.

We’d like to advise customers that your old username and password will work on the old website and not your e-mail address and password that was provided by the newer site, if in doubt then a new password can be requested from the login screen and the “reset password” link below the login boxes, this requires your registered e-mail address and the e-mail will include your login name as well as your password.

If you don’t receive an e-mail, then please either contact and we will investigate or contact our Accounts Services or Sales teams and we will look into it and get details updated or new details sent out.

We’d like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused, and we are grateful for your feedback on the services we provide – and we learnt the lesson that sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.

Brian Lammey – IT Manager

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 24/07/2024
New Website Coming 6th August
On Tuesday 6th of August we will be launching our new website which features integration with our ERP system.

In order to make the transition as smooth as possible we will run both our new site and our old site simultaneously, and each site will feature a prominent link to the other site on the home page. We anticipate that the two sites will remain online for the first week which will give us time to get users enrolled on the new site while it also gives our customers time to finish up any orders they have started on the old site.

In order to smooth the transition we would ask that our customers check that their e-mail address is up to date on the website, we have added a link to the homepage to do this, it takes 30 seconds to do ensuring when we set your account up on the website it goes to an active e-mail address and gets your moved over as seamlessly as possible.

Check Your E-mail Address
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 28/01/2024
Website Downtime - This Wednesday 2-4pm
We might be starting to sound like a broken record, but we would rather that than have customers lose their basket or miss their order deadline because they did not know.

On Wednesday afternoon our website will be down from 2pm to approx 4pm, this is to facilitate a change of ERP and item structure, anything in your basket at this time will be lost.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 25/01/2024
New ERP - Next Wednesday/ Thursday
In just one week’s time we’ll be going live with our new ERP system, Epicor Prophet 21.

While we will be doing everything we can to minimize the disruption to service, it’s inevitable there will be some. “You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs”, as the saying goes.

The key customer information is as follows
- For orders that get delivered on Thursday 1st of Feb we will be putting in place a cut off time of 2pm, we will not be able to accept any orders or additions after that time.
- As part of the switch of ERP we have to restructure our website, at 2pm our existing website will be shut down for approx. 2 hours. Unfortunately it will not be possible to carry over basket/ cart contents, so anything in your basket or cart needs placed before 2pm or it will be lost.
- When our reworked website comes back online you can place orders again and they’ll be in our new pack sizes and codes (see previous blog post for details of changes). It will be the same domains, same bookmarks, same login details as you have now, and looks and functions largely the same as it is in it’s current state.
- We will switch over systems on Wednesday night and await the rubber stamp of approval on Thursday morning before we can start processing any further orders, this will put us on the back foot a little with our order processing and picking, but we fully expect to have no disruption to Friday deliveries, although we would encourage customers who have the option to order earlier in the week to consider stocking up a bit more on their delivery earlier in the week just incase.
- There will be subtle changes to the stationary and documents that the orders go out on, which we will document and send in accompanying letters to explain.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 12/01/2024
Mid January Update on Our New ERP & Important Customer Info
You may have seen Gary’s video this week on our Facebook page or YouTube Channel in which he announced that our new ERP will be going live on Thursday 1st of February, and as part of that we would be making changes to some codes and pack sizes.

From the links below you can download a letter with our latest news and explanation of some of the things you can expect to see as well as details of some downtime we’ll need to have on our website. Also attached is a spreadsheet detailing the lines that we will be making changes to and a further PDF explaining those changes. As Gary said in this video, some of these changes may effect you, some of them won’t, but it’s worth looking over them to see.

We will continue to keep you as informed as we work through this transition.

Download - New ERP Announcement 2
Download - Items that will have changes from 1st of Feb 2024 - In Excel
Download - Item Changes Explained

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 12/01/2024
Gary Announces Further Details of Our New ERP
You know it must be big news to get Gary on front of a camera, and indeed it is. Check out Gary talking about our new ERP with a cheeky plug for our new Christmas PreSell.
View Video on Youtube
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 23/12/2023
Our New ERP is Just Around The Corner - Announcement 1
Early in 2024 we will be switching to a new ERP system, check out the Announcement Letter at the link below for further details
Click Here to View Announcement 1
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 16/09/2021
Now Accepting Digital Payments with Secure Payment Links
PayLink makes it easy for Glenkrag to start accepting payments online with our simple and secure pay-by-link solution. With Paylink, you can pay for your invoices faster while reducing your risk, with 3D Secure payments.

Easier digital payment acceptance has arrived.
- Share payment links: Glenkrag will send customisable PayLinks directly to our customers through any of your existing digital channels including email, SMS, WhatsApp, social media, AirDrop and messaging platforms. Or use our inbuilt SMS, email or Whatsapp sharing functionality.
- Secure transactions: You’re the customer pay with your preferred digital payment method and we receive payments via our secure payment page. Enjoy the peace of mind that Strong Customer Authentication is fully supported on all PayLink transactions.
- Collect payments and create loyalty with customers: Easily set up recurring, stored card and one-click payments to make it simple to do business with you. We can Issue refunds, reminders and manage payment links end-to-end with the touch of a button.
- For further details: Speak with our Accounts team to set you up for PayLink

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

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Warning: Use of undefined constant Y - assumed 'Y' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /homepages/28/d429691559/htdocs/glenkrag/2017/includes/inc_footerdesktab.php on line 10
> Home
> About Us
> Opportunities
> Contact Us
> Blog
© Glenkrag Ltd 2025
Unit 7e Kilroot Business Park | Larne Road
Carrickfergus| Co. Antrim | Northern Ireland
Tel: 0(044)2893 351 491 | Fax: 0(044) 2893 351920
24/7 CCTV is used on our premises for the safety of our staff and customers and crime prevention

The Blog

Welcome to the Glenkrag blog, we aim to keep you as informed as possible with the latest news, views and reviews, of products, website updates and anything else which is relevent to our trade.

Added: 02/09/2024
Website Statement
At the start of August, we went live with a new website which integrated into our ERP. It was to have many new features included within it, that we felt would continue to improve our web experience for our customers while having closer ties to our ERP system make order importing and customer contact management easier tasks.

However, as an off the shelf solution with a few customisations added in, it eventually became a burden and lost some of the flexibility that was expected, and which would have better suited our business processes and the trade in general.

Now, 4 weeks in, we feel the website has flattered to deceive, with some of the issues we’re experiencing don’t have quick and easy fixes available to us as the customer, from the reseller of the site. This is especially disappointing for us, and we had far greater flexibility and access to tailor our previous site to the ease of our customers to deliver a premium service.

As with any big development you sometimes need to stop and take stock of where you are against where you want to be without prejudice of the time and financial investment – and as I like to put it, on this occasion we have to accept that a square peg just doesn’t fit in a round hole.

Therefore, after much deliberation, we have made the decision to revert back to our old website with immediate effect, as not only does it offer the more reliable platform for online trading, but we also now believe that coupled with our new ERP, it will over time be the superior platform to bring enhancements and new features to our web presence.

At the time of writing we have already re-activated the old website on and , we will leave the “new(P21) website” available at until the end of the week to allow users to finish off any orders they have started and then we will redirect it too to our old website.

We’d like to advise customers that your old username and password will work on the old website and not your e-mail address and password that was provided by the newer site, if in doubt then a new password can be requested from the login screen and the “reset password” link below the login boxes, this requires your registered e-mail address and the e-mail will include your login name as well as your password.

If you don’t receive an e-mail, then please either contact and we will investigate or contact our Accounts Services or Sales teams and we will look into it and get details updated or new details sent out.

We’d like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused, and we are grateful for your feedback on the services we provide – and we learnt the lesson that sometimes you have to take a step back to move forward.

Brian Lammey – IT Manager

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 24/07/2024
New Website Coming 6th August
On Tuesday 6th of August we will be launching our new website which features integration with our ERP system.

In order to make the transition as smooth as possible we will run both our new site and our old site simultaneously, and each site will feature a prominent link to the other site on the home page. We anticipate that the two sites will remain online for the first week which will give us time to get users enrolled on the new site while it also gives our customers time to finish up any orders they have started on the old site.

In order to smooth the transition we would ask that our customers check that their e-mail address is up to date on the website, we have added a link to the homepage to do this, it takes 30 seconds to do ensuring when we set your account up on the website it goes to an active e-mail address and gets your moved over as seamlessly as possible.

Check Your E-mail Address
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 28/01/2024
Website Downtime - This Wednesday 2-4pm
We might be starting to sound like a broken record, but we would rather that than have customers lose their basket or miss their order deadline because they did not know.

On Wednesday afternoon our website will be down from 2pm to approx 4pm, this is to facilitate a change of ERP and item structure, anything in your basket at this time will be lost.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 25/01/2024
New ERP - Next Wednesday/ Thursday
In just one week’s time we’ll be going live with our new ERP system, Epicor Prophet 21.

While we will be doing everything we can to minimize the disruption to service, it’s inevitable there will be some. “You can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs”, as the saying goes.

The key customer information is as follows
- For orders that get delivered on Thursday 1st of Feb we will be putting in place a cut off time of 2pm, we will not be able to accept any orders or additions after that time.
- As part of the switch of ERP we have to restructure our website, at 2pm our existing website will be shut down for approx. 2 hours. Unfortunately it will not be possible to carry over basket/ cart contents, so anything in your basket or cart needs placed before 2pm or it will be lost.
- When our reworked website comes back online you can place orders again and they’ll be in our new pack sizes and codes (see previous blog post for details of changes). It will be the same domains, same bookmarks, same login details as you have now, and looks and functions largely the same as it is in it’s current state.
- We will switch over systems on Wednesday night and await the rubber stamp of approval on Thursday morning before we can start processing any further orders, this will put us on the back foot a little with our order processing and picking, but we fully expect to have no disruption to Friday deliveries, although we would encourage customers who have the option to order earlier in the week to consider stocking up a bit more on their delivery earlier in the week just incase.
- There will be subtle changes to the stationary and documents that the orders go out on, which we will document and send in accompanying letters to explain.

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 12/01/2024
Mid January Update on Our New ERP & Important Customer Info
You may have seen Gary’s video this week on our Facebook page or YouTube Channel in which he announced that our new ERP will be going live on Thursday 1st of February, and as part of that we would be making changes to some codes and pack sizes.

From the links below you can download a letter with our latest news and explanation of some of the things you can expect to see as well as details of some downtime we’ll need to have on our website. Also attached is a spreadsheet detailing the lines that we will be making changes to and a further PDF explaining those changes. As Gary said in this video, some of these changes may effect you, some of them won’t, but it’s worth looking over them to see.

We will continue to keep you as informed as we work through this transition.

Download - New ERP Announcement 2
Download - Items that will have changes from 1st of Feb 2024 - In Excel
Download - Item Changes Explained

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 12/01/2024
Gary Announces Further Details of Our New ERP
You know it must be big news to get Gary on front of a camera, and indeed it is. Check out Gary talking about our new ERP with a cheeky plug for our new Christmas PreSell.
View Video on Youtube
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 23/12/2023
Our New ERP is Just Around The Corner - Announcement 1
Early in 2024 we will be switching to a new ERP system, check out the Announcement Letter at the link below for further details
Click Here to View Announcement 1
[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

Added: 16/09/2021
Now Accepting Digital Payments with Secure Payment Links
PayLink makes it easy for Glenkrag to start accepting payments online with our simple and secure pay-by-link solution. With Paylink, you can pay for your invoices faster while reducing your risk, with 3D Secure payments.

Easier digital payment acceptance has arrived.
- Share payment links: Glenkrag will send customisable PayLinks directly to our customers through any of your existing digital channels including email, SMS, WhatsApp, social media, AirDrop and messaging platforms. Or use our inbuilt SMS, email or Whatsapp sharing functionality.
- Secure transactions: You’re the customer pay with your preferred digital payment method and we receive payments via our secure payment page. Enjoy the peace of mind that Strong Customer Authentication is fully supported on all PayLink transactions.
- Collect payments and create loyalty with customers: Easily set up recurring, stored card and one-click payments to make it simple to do business with you. We can Issue refunds, reminders and manage payment links end-to-end with the touch of a button.
- For further details: Speak with our Accounts team to set you up for PayLink

[Click Here to Open Printable Version of this Blog]

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© Glenkrag Ltd 2025
Unit 7e Kilroot Business Park | Larne Road
Carrickfergus| Co. Antrim | Northern Ireland
Tel: 0(044)2893 351 491 | Fax: 0(044) 2893 351920
24/7 CCTV is used on our premises for the safety of our staff and customers and crime prevention